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§ 1 (name, registered office, validity)

​1. The association bears the name Ezidxan International Aid (EIAID) and should be registered under this name in the club register. After the registration it leads the addition "e.V." non-profit organization

2. The residency of the association is in Bielefeld (33602), in Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 15.

3. The validity of these values will be the same calendar year.

4. Ezidxan International Aid is a member of the Central Council of the Ezidis in Germany.

​§ 2 (targets and purpose of the organization)

​1. The goal of the association "Ezidxan international Aid e. V. "is intended to promote and teach the culture, language and ethics of Ezidis culture and religion, the intercultural, inter-religious and social participation in addition to enable the integration with the major society of Germany.

2. The purpose of the association is, in the spirit of tolerance and international understanding, to promote the cultural exchange between the Ezidis and Germans as well as internationally.

3. EIA promotes humanitarian aid to victims of armed conflicts and other emergencies, in the form of money, shelter and other donations.

4. The organization sets the goal the Ezidis young people in their career, and also to help the activity of student in the school as well as advising about practical and professional topics with guiding and cooperation.

5. Ezidxan International Aid e.V. plans in the future to set up youth welfare institutions, outpatient as well as care facilities and counselling centers.

The organization pursues exclusively and directly - charitable purposes within the meaning of section "tax purposes" of the organization is self-limited and does not follow the 1st line of self-economic purposes or profit organization.

The targets of the statutes are realized in particular by the following goals:

• Emancipatory education through educational and artistic means (AG Theatre Dance and Music) to facilitate the promotion of work with children and adolescents

• take a care of political, discriminated or religious persecutes, etc. of escape, war victims and people with a disability from Ezidis and other people.

• promotion of health, welfare and education,

• Promotion of activities and working together with other cooperation partners

The targets of the organization will be arranged through collecting and using donations of money. The donations are used for humanitarian and project related purposes. for Êziden and other minorities.

Donation receipts will be issued as proof for the person who donated it.

§ 3 (Volunteer and full-time work)

The duties of Ezidxan International Aid e.V. are performed by volunteer and full-time members and employers. Volunteers and full-time worker are complementary and are used in accordance with the principles of the Association of the implementation of the single order - the help to the extent of need. The volunteer and full-time work is done in working groups and in other forms to enable as many people participation in Ezidxan International Aid e.V..

§ 4 (use of funds)

Funds of the association must only be used for statutory purposes. The members do not receive payments from the association. Members have a right to reimbursement of expenses incurred in performing volunteer work on behalf of the community.

§ 5 (prohibition of benefits)

Nobody should be rewarded by expenditures which are foreign to the purpose of the association / corporation or by disproportionately high remuneration.

​§ 6 (acquisition of membership)

​1. The association is independent as well as partisan and ideologically neutral.

2. Ordinary member of the association can be any adult, natural person. In the case of minors, an informed consent of the legal guardian or legal guardian / guardian is required. Also the executive committee can designate for the aim and purpose of the association special honorary full-fledged members, which themselves through their social commitment in the community.

3. Honorary members have a right of access, the right to discuss and suggest a vote in general meetings and a vote. An active or passive right to vote is theirs. You will be informed about the association's work and regularly about important dates, events and projects of the association. The board speaks the vocation to Honorary Member.

4. The application for association membership must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board. About the application, the board decides.

5. The rejection, which does not require any justification, is subject to the applicant

Appeal to the general meeting, which then finally decides.

§ 7 (termination of membership)

1. Membership ends by resignation, expulsion, death or dissolution of the legal entity.

2. Resignation shall be affected by written declaration to an authorized member of the Management Board. The written resignation must be declared to the Executive Board with one month's notice at the end of each financial year.

3. An exclusion can only be made for good cause. Important reasons are, in particular, behavior that damages the objectives of the association, the violation of statutory duties or arrears of at least half a year. The Executive Board decides on the exclusion. The member is entitled to appeal to the general meeting against the exclusion, which must be addressed in writing to the board within one month.

The general meeting decides definitively within the framework of the association. The member reserves the right to review the measure by referral to the ordinary courts. The invocation of a regular court has a suspensive effect until the legal force of the court decision.

§ 8 (accumulation of assets, contributions, donations)

​The association finances itself by membership fees for natural and legal persons as well as from donations.

§ 9 (organs of the association)

Organs of the association are:

1. The General Assembly

2. The board

3.  deputy chairman

4. Cash auditor

§10 (General Assembly)

1. The General Assembly is the highest club organ. Its tasks include, in particular, the election and deselection of the Management Board, discharge of the Management Board, receipt of the reports of the Management Board, election of auditors, determination of contributions and their due dates, passing of resolutions on the amendment of the Articles of Association, resolution on dissolution of the association, decision on admission and exclusion of members in appeal cases, as well as other tasks, as far as these result from the statute or according to the law.

2. In the first quarter of each financial year, a regular general meeting takes place.

3. The Executive Board is obliged to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting if at least one third of the members request this in writing stating the reasons.

4. The General Assembly shall be convened in writing by the Management Board, giving one month's notice, indicating the agenda. The period begins with the day following the dispatch of the letter of invitation. The letter of invitation is deemed to have been received by the members when addressed to the last address given to the club.

5. The agenda must be supplemented if requested in writing by a member no later than one week before the scheduled date. The supplement will be announced at the beginning of the meeting.

6. Applications for the deselection of the Executive Board, the amendment of the statutes and the dissolution of the association, which have not already been sent to the members with the invitation to the General Assembly, can only be decided upon at the next General Assembly.

7. The General Assembly is quorate regardless of the number of members present.

8. The General Assembly is chaired by a member of the Executive Board.

9. A secretary is to be elected at the beginning of the general meeting.

10. Each member has one vote. The voting right can only be personal or for a member

exercise a written power of attorney.

11. Votes are decided by a simple majority of the votes cast.

12. Statutory changes and the dissolution of the association can only be made by a majority of 2/3

of the members present.

13. Abstentions and invalid votes are disregarded.

14. A record of the decisions of the General Assembly shall be made by the

The chairman and the secretary.

§ 11 (Board)

The executive committee consists in the sense of the § 26 BGB, from the 1. Chairman, the 2. Chairman, 3. Chairman, the treasurer and the secretary. Two members of the board represent the association in and out of court, and the first chairman has the power of individual representation.

1. The Board is elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.

2. Board members can only become members of the association.

3. For the first chairman can only club members with an academic degree or

become an equivalent recognized education.

4. Re-election is permitted.

5. The board remains in office until a new board is elected.

6. Upon termination of membership in the association, the office ends as a board.

§ 12 (cash audit)

​The General Assembly elects a cash auditor for a period of one year. This person may not be a member of the Management Board.

Re-election is permissible.

§ 13 (dissolution of the association)

In the event of dissolution or cancellation of the association or the abolition of tax-privileged purposes, the assets are transferred to the association Ezidische Akademie Bayern e. V., which must use it directly and exclusively for charitable purposes by means of proof.

The above statutes were changed and accepted in the extraordinary general meeting of the association Ezidxan International AID e.V. on 15.07.2017 from 14.00 - 16.00 in the Friedrich Ebert Str. 15, 33602 Bielefeld.

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